

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



On Word-choosing Skills in Translating Business Letters
With the trend of economic globalization, the communication between our country and other countries in the world is becoming more and more frequent, especially after our country becomes the member of WTO. The function of world business communication is becoming more and more important. As a frequently used means in world trade communication, the business English letters will be an important tool in developing world trade and related business activities. So, the business English translation is more significant than before. The quality of business English letters has a close relationship with the world trade communication and the development of the international trade. The words in translating business letters must be accurate and appropriate, or it will cause great losses.
The thesis is made up of four parts. The first part is introduction. It tells us the importance of business letters briefly. The second part is the stylistic features of business letters. The third part is the syntactic features of business letters and translating skills. The fourth part is the morphological features of business letters and translating skills. Finally, I make a conclusion of the whole thesis.
By way of using examples and contrast, the paper discusses in detail the word-choosing skills in translating business English letters. In order to choose appropriate words, we should learn the basic knowledge in translating business English letters, such as the features of business English letters, the principles and methods in translating business letters and so on. These can help us greatly in choosing accurate words. Through the paper, we can improve the ability of using English in world trade activities; we can also improve the ability of translating business English letters.

Key words: business English translation; word-choosing skills; world trade
Introduction 1
Chapter One Stylistic Features of Business Letters 2
Chapter Two Syntactic Features and Translating Skills 4
2.1 Syntactic Features ………………………………….4
2.2 Translating Skills …4
2.2.1 Division 4
2.2.2 Co-translation 5
2.2.3 Reversing 6
2.2.4 Convert the passive-voice English into the active-voice Chinese 7
2.2.5 Convert passive voice English sentences into passive-form Chinese sentences 8
Chapter Three Morphological Features and Word-choosing Skills 8
3.1 Morphological Features …8
3.2 Word-choosing Skills 10
3.2.1 Omission 10
3.2.2 Amplification 12
2.3.3 Conversion of Word Classes 14
3.2.4 Polysemy 15
3.2.5 Extension 16
Conclusion 16
Bibliography 18
Acknowledgements 19

