

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Research on Moral Deficiency of Athletics Sports - - the Racial Discrimination as the Example
Athletic sports of the spirit has been highly worshiped, but along with the social increasing progress, athletic sports has many factors which have hampered its healthy development , for example the moral deficiency and the racial discrimination is one kind .Against racial discrimination in this factor, I use the information and analysis to analyze the logic of racial discrimination detailedly, expatiate on the concept of moral deficiency ,analyze the impact of racism on the athletic sports and put forward the relevant solutions to make the athletic sports develop healthily.

目 录
引言 1
第一章  竞技体育种族歧视概述 1
1.1种族歧视的概念 2
1.2竞技体育中种族歧视现象的影响 2
1.2.1加剧民族矛盾,导致社会动乱 2
1.2.2侵犯人权、践踏人性、侮辱人格 2
1.2.3违反奥林匹克的精神 2
第二章  竞技体育种族歧视现象的分析 3
2.1竞技体育中种族歧视现象的举例 3
2.2竞技体育种族歧视现象的根源分析 3
2.2.1文化历史差异悬殊 3
2.2.2阶级主义思想根深蒂固 4
2.2.3扭曲了的人类学观念 4
2.2.4移民历史造成的对黑人歧视惯性原因 5
2.2.5种族之间利益冲突的原因 5
第三章  竞技体育中消除种族歧视的对策 5
3.1加强对竞技体育的认识,坚定地反对种族歧视 6
3.2加强对运动员和观众的引导和教育 6
3.3加强对竞技体育组织反对种族歧视的管理 6
3.4完善立法,从法律上对种族歧视进行管理 7
3.5不同部门各司其职,共同为世界和平努力 7
结束语 7
参考文献 8
谢辞 9

