

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


中国近代以来的工业化、现代化过程,培育了一个超级庞大规模的消费社会。21世纪,使休闲旅游的繁荣成为消费社会发展时期的产物。旅游业作为一项新兴的产业,具有高度关联的辐射带动功能,可有效地拉动经济、增加就业,发展旅游也可适应日益旺盛的市场需求。而决定旅游业发展的因素,不仅取决于资源的丰度,还在于客源市场的可靠度。无论是旅游规划还是旅游产品的开发及营销,都离不开客源市场的研 究。本文根据国内的旅游市场消费趋势分析,结合滨州市旅游资源的禀赋、知名度和吸引力以及区位条件,分析了滨州市旅游客源市场,认为滨州市游客主要来自本省及周边省区等近距离客源地,而中远距离客源地的游客较少,应充分利用之间存在的自然、人文旅游资源的差异性,在遵循波浪式推进的总趋势下,辅以跳跃式推进战略,大力开发这部分市场。同时,对滨州市的游客规模也作了数量分析,认为滨州市旅游市场的发展时期可以分为三个阶段:快速增长时期(2007-2010年);稳步增长时期(2011-2015年);成熟期(2016-2020年)。

Market survey of travel traveler of Binzhou
Since modern age in China of industrialization, modernization process, grew a super and huge large-scale consumerist.21 century, make recreation tour of prosperity become a consumerist a development period of outcome. Tour the industry be a newly arisen industry and have height connection of radiation arouse function, can availably pull to move economy, increment employment, development tour can also orientation day by day prosperous market need. But decision tour industry development of factor, not only be decided by the plentiful degree of resources, but it also lie in a customer market of credibility. Regardless tour a programming still be a tour product of development and marketing, all can not get away from a grind of customer market to investigate.
This text according to local of tour market consume trend analysis, and combine Binzhou city tour resources of born gift, popularity and attraction and niche condition, analysis Binzhou city tour customer market. I think strand visitor in Binzhou city main come from this province and periphery province area etc. close quarter customer ground, but medium long-distance leave the visitor of customer ground, it should make full use of existence of nature, humanities tour resources of the difference and follow a wave type push forward of total under the trend assisted with the jump up type push forward strategy, and it must develop this part market strongly.
Meantime, made an amount analysis to visitor's scale of Binzhou city. and think the development of tour market in Binzhou city period can be divided into three stage: Fast growth period (2007-2010 year);Steady growth period (2011-2015 year);Mature period (2016-2020 year).

Key words: Binzhou city;tourism;Customer market;Fixed position

