

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


非典、禽流感、南方的雪灾、5.12汶川大地震、全球经济危机、HINI猪流感病毒……人类生活的环境似乎越来越脆弱了,灾难发生的频率越来越短了,每一次波动都对人类社会生产生活造成重大的影响带来具大的波动。虽然党和国家领导人带领我们积极应对每一危机,全国经济发展呈线性运动,但个别地区、个别时间仍成非线性运动。 这需要在每一次灾难的背后人类的深刻反思……工业发展也不例外,怎样从容的面对波动、减少波动带来的影响、是工业发展应该考虑的问题。 要达到这些目的,需要深层次的认识山东工业的特征、发现问题、解决问题,积极应对环境给予的严峻挑战。正确引导区域发展的空间过程(即正确引导经济地域运动),将绊脚石转变为前进的阶梯。在近几十年里山东省的经济快速发展过程中,第二产业自始至终都山东的主导产业,在山东的经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用。目前山东工业在进行着结构升级和结构调整。在应对频繁发生的灾害时,工业淘汰落后产品提高产品的技术含量将会使山东的工业保持稳定和可持续的发展。 本文利用数据分析模型,对山东的工业进行分析,得出山东的工业特征,并发现其问题、对山东的工业可持续优化发展提出了相应的对策。全文以四大部分进行分析论证: 第一部分总绪,首先阐述了本论文的研究起源以及研究的目的和意义,其次介绍了所要应用的主要理论知识。它包括了工业分析所采用的原理(洛伦兹曲线的原理、基尼系数的原理、“霍夫曼定理”的原理),经济地域运动的内涵。第二部分主要阐述研究的现状及通过模型发现的问题。第一小节阐述了山东省工业发展的现状;第二小节用洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数分析山东的工业得出结论;第三小节,根据分析得出山东省的特征。第三部分是对策与措施章节。此章节主要阐述了在发现问题后主要的对策和措施。如何减少不确定风险对工业带来的冲击,减少不利的非线性运动使区域经济沿线性运动。第四部分通过全文的分析得出山东工业发展运动的形式,为山东工业优化发展提出对策建议:1、解决薄落环节和基础性制约因素。2、加快山东经济结构的调整。3、在走出的同时加强风险抵御。4、减少东西部的差距。最后指出了在文章写作中以及研究过程中出现的问题,并对今后要注意的问题进行了简单介绍。


Shandong Province, the characteristics of industrial development, problems and countermeasures
SARS, avian flu, the South snowstorm, The earthquake of 5.12, the global economic crisis, HINI swine influenza virus in human life ... ... it seems that more and more fragile environment, and the frequency of the disaster becoming shorter and shorter every time fluctuations are social production of human life brought about a great impact on the volatility of a major.
To achieve these objectives, the need for deeper understanding of the characteristics of Shandong industrial, identify it, solve problems, to give positive responses to environmental challenges. Correctly guide the process of regional development of the space (that is, the correct geographical movement and guide the economy), will be a stumbling block into a step forward. Shandong Province in the recent decades of rapid economic development process, from beginning to end the secondary industry are the leading industries in Shandong, in Shandong's economic development plays an important role.
Although the party and state leaders to lead us to actively respond to every crisis, the country's economic development is linear movement, it is up to individual regions, the individual is still time into non-linear movement. This will require a disaster in human beings behind the profound self-examination ... ... industrial development is no exception and how to calm volatility in the face to reduce the impact of fluctuations in industrial development should be taken into account.
Shandong currently engaged in the upgrading of the structure and structural adjustment. In response to the frequent disasters and industrial products increase the elimination of outdated technology products will remain stable industries in Shandong and sustainable development. In this paper, data analysis model, the industry of Shandong and analyzed the characteristics of China's industrial and found the problem, the optimization of Shandong's industrial sustainable development put forward corresponding countermeasures.
The full text of the analysis to four major argument: the first part of the overall thread, first of all on the origin of this thesis research, as well as the purpose and significance of the study, followed by the application presented to the major theoretical knowledge. It includes analysis of the industry adopted the principle (the principle of Lorenz curve, 2. Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient , "Hoffman theorem" principle), the economic meaning of geographical movement. The second part of the study focuses on the status quo and problems identified through the model.
The full text of the fourth part of the analysis through the Industrial Development of Shandong in the form of movement, in order to optimize the development of Shandong Suggestions: 1, Solve the thin-down links and basic constraints. 2, To speed up economic restructuring of Shandong. 3, Engage into to the world at the same time to resist at the risk. 4, To reduce the gap between east and west. Finally, writing in the article as well as problems arising in the course of the future should pay attention to the issues briefly.
The first section in Shandong Province on the status of industrial development; the second section with Lorenz curves and Gini coefficient analysis of the industry come to the conclusion Shandong; the third section, according to analysis of the characteristics of Shandong Province. The third part is the chapter and measures of response. This chapter described the discovery of the major issues of policy and measures will be major. To reduce the risks of uncertainty reduce the adverse non-linear movement so that movement along the regional economy.

Key words: Shandong Province; the characteristics of industrial development; problems ;countermeasures

