

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


气排球运动是一项新兴的体育项目。具有球柔软、气压小、重量轻。规则简单易行、随意性大。适合不同层次、水平的人参加 ,可以为硬式排球打好技术基础 ,是全民健身的好方法 ,应于推广。本文对昆明高校老年教师气排球开展过程中的指导教练、场地、器材、领导重视程度、娱乐活动与比赛情况进行了全面的调查研究,针对存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了解决的对策。为昆明老年人气排球运动的可持续开展提供参考。关键词:老年教师;气排球;现状;对策
Abstract: Gas Volleyball is a new sport. Soft with the ball, pressure and light weight. Rule is simple, arbitrary large. Suitable for different levels, the level of participants, can lay the technical foundation for the Volleyball is a good way to fitness, should promote.In this paper, Kunming Teachers College Old gas Volleyball guidance to carry out the process of coaching, facilities, equipment, leadership emphasis, entertainment and games conducted a comprehensive investigation and study, for the analysis of the problems and put forward the countermeasures. Played volleyball for the elderly in Kunming sustainable conduct reference.
Keywords: Older teachers; gas volleyball; status; Strategy

