

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要
肢体语言是人们沟通的主要方式之一。文章主要对肢体语言在英语教学中的作用、以及小学英语教师在教学中如何应用肢体语言进行了探讨。当人们通过肢体动作或手势,而不是或不止是通过声音、言语,或其他的交流方式接受(观察)信息, 这种交流方式即肢体语言。作为一种非言语交际方式,肢体语言的作用主要体现在对言语交际的六个辅助功能:重复、补助、反驳、代替、强调以及协调。肢体语言不但被用于教师课堂教学中,还贯穿于教学与学习的全过程。课堂上,教师可以通过与学生的眼神交流,自己的面部表情来管理课堂纪律、活跃课堂气氛;用肢体动作、身体姿势补充自己的言语教学,加深学生对所学知识的理解。在听、说、读、写的教学过程中,合理的运用肢体语言,提高教学质量,达到教育改革的最终目的。

On the Application of Body Language to English Teaching
in Primary School

Body language is a broad used way of communication. This thesis tries to discuss the functions of body-language in English teaching and how primary school teachers to apply body-language in English teaching. Body language as that which happens whenever a person receives (observes) any message transmitted by body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to sounds, verbal language or other form of communication. As a non-verbal communication form, body language has six supplementary functions to verbal communication, and they are repeating, complementing, contradicting, substituting, accenting, and regulating. Body language is not only used in class teaching, but also goes through the whole process of teaching and learning. In class, teachers can apply eye contact and their facial expressions to manage classroom discipline, and also to enliven classroom atmosphere; teachers can use gestures and postures to supplement their verbal teaching, as to help students to have better understanding. During the teaching process of listening, speaking, reading and writing, the proper use of body-language can improve the quality of teaching and achieve the final objectives of teaching reformation.

Key words: body language, English teaching, verbal teaching

