

全文字数:17000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



BOQ is a detail list which proposes a engineering project’s names and corresponding amount of its branch sub-item projects, measures projects and other projects. BOQ is one of the important basis for the activities of Valuation with BOQ in the bidding phase and the construction phase. This article is about the BOQ compilation of a standard layer of the 4th building in the project named “Lingdijiayuan” in Shenzhen. This article is about to compile BOQ according to the project construction drawing and design descriptions and in accordance with the requirements of “Code of valuation with bill quantity of construction works”. The BOQ is including the lists of branch sub-item projects, measures projects and other projects. This article mainly shows the compilation of the lists of branch sub-item projects which includes the quantity of the masonry works, concrete and reinforced concrete works.

Key words: work quantity; BOQ; Code of valuation with bill quantity
目    录
一 、工程概况 2
(一)自然环境状况 2
(二)工程结构概况 2
二、工程量清单的编制内容和方法 3
(一)工程量清单的组成 3
(二)工程量清单编制依据 4
(三)工程量清单编制方法 4
三 、工程量计算 8
(一)  A.3砌筑工程 8
1、A.3.2砖砌体(010302) 8
(二)  A.4混凝土及钢筋混凝土工程 10
1、A.4.2现浇混凝土柱(010402) 10
2、A.4.3现浇混凝土梁(010403) 12
3、A.4.4现浇混凝土墙(010404) 15
4、A.4.5现浇混凝土板(010405) 17
5、A.4.6现浇混凝土楼梯(010406) 18
6、A.4.16钢筋工程(010416) 18
(三)措施项目工程量的计算 38
1、现浇混凝土模板工程 38
四、建筑工程量清单的编制 41
(一)分部分项工程量清单 41
(二)措施项目清单 45
(三)其他项目清单 46
五、结束语 47
致    谢 48
参考文献 49


