

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

激励机制就是通过诱导因素、以及各种报酬与补偿等一套理性化的制度把各种激励方法和各种措施相结合,实现企业良性循环、快速发展的激励体系。它有助长作用,也有致弱作用。激励机制要遵循物质激励为主,辅以必要的精神激励,目标与需求相结合等原则。国外激励理论的研究成果颇丰,主要有马斯洛需要层次理论,弗鲁姆的期望理论,ERG理论,赫茨伯格双因素理论,强化理论,亚当斯公平理论,成就需要理论,相比较而言我国对激励理论的研究起步较晚,与国外差距较大。我国企业激励机制存在激励手段单一,过度激励,盲目激励等问题 ,针对这些问题,本文提出了一些改进激励机制的措施。   


China's accession to the WTO, further opening up markets, a continuous influx of foreign companies, enterprises are facing increasingly intense competitive environment, in the final analysis is the competitiveness of human resources, only a scientific and effective incentive systems of human resources in order to attract and retain talented people really can staff to maximize the enthusiasm and creativity in order to enhance organizational cohesion, and ultimately improve the competitiveness of enterprises.
        Incentive mechanism is by inducing factors, as well as a variety of reward and compensation system for a rational approach to a variety of incentives and a combination of various measures to achieve a virtuous circle enterprises, the rapid development of the incentive system. It has contributed to the role, but also to the weak role. Incentives to follow the material incentives, supplemented by the spirit of the necessary incentives, goals and principles of combining demand. Motivation theory of foreign research results quite good, there are Maslow hierarchy of needs theory, Froomkin's expectations theory, ERG theory, Herzberg two-factor theory, reinforcement theory, equity theory of Adams, the need for theoretical achievements, compared to the made my study of motivation theory to a late start, the larger the gap with foreign countries. China's enterprises incentives incentives exist a single, over-stimulate, inspire blind and so on, to solve these problems, this paper presents a number of measures to improve the incentive mechanism.

Key words: blind incentives; excessive incentives; differential incentives; rewards and punishments

