

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘 要:广告英语作为一种应用语言,它有着自己独特的语言风格和特点。广告英语用词优美独到,内涵丰富。英语双关语是一种表现力极强的修辞手段,因而在广告中得到了广泛的应用。近年来,对广告双关语的研究大多是针对其结构形式、语用功能和认知功能的讨论。巧妙的双关能使语言含蓄、幽默、生动、机智,起到旁敲侧击,借题发挥的作用,能够很好地突出广告的特点,因此,广告制作者们挖空心思地追求新的创意,使得双关语在广告中的运用技巧更加纷繁复杂。这样使得对英语广告双关语的翻译显得更加棘手了,译者必须在兼顾双关语的双重意思的同时,还要再认真考虑广告语言的特色。本文从谐音双关,语义双关两个最常见的方面对双关语在英语广告中的运用作了阐述;同时也从分别表义法,套译法,侧重译法和补偿译法等几种翻译方法对英语广告双关语作了些探讨。希望能借助本文帮助人们更好地理解英语广告双关语的运用和翻译,以满足各自的商业需求或达到商业目的。
On the Application and Translation of Puns in English Advertisements
Abstract: As an applied language, advertising English has its own linguistic style and features. Its language is original and beautiful and full of connotations. Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in English advertisements. In the past years, the researches of pun in advertisements focus mainly on linguistic structure, pragmatic or cognitive approach. The skillful use of puns makes advertising English vivid and humorous. This thesis is about application and translation of puns in English advertisements. There are various ways to form puns in advertisements, such as pun on homophone, pun on homograph and other kinds of puns. The translation of puns in advertisements is often considered to be very difficult. The translator must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind. This thesis mainly deals with two kinds of puns (homophone, homograph) and four methods of translating puns in English advertisements. The purpose of this thesis is to help people get correct understanding of puns and the translations in English advertisements.
Key Words:  advertising English, pun, translation

