

全文字数:18000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


本文通过运用企业战略分析工具, 对腾讯所处的外部环境,行业发展态势,竞争对手,以及腾讯内部的优势劣势和主要产品QQ进行分析,识别机会与威胁,分析腾讯如何利用自身优势来把握机会,趋避威胁,抓住机遇不断发展壮大。并且运用本人学习过的企业战略管理知识,结合当前经济。互联网行业的发展态势和腾讯实际状况以及腾讯现阶段战略规划的一些不足,为腾讯战略优化提出一些建议,深入探讨腾讯如何在这场经济危机中更好的利用自身优势把危机转化为自身发展的机遇。
This arctical give a detail analysis to Tencent's external environmen, the industrial present situation, rival, and its internal advantage and disadvantage and its product of QQ software by uesing the enterprise strategic analysis tool.As a result, we can have a clear awareness of Tencent how make use of its advantage to seize the opportunity, tend to avoid threat, hold tight opportunity to continuously develop to strengthen。besides, using the business enterprise strategy theories that I once studied , and combining current economy trend,development situation and the Tencent actual condition and some current shortage of strategic of Tencent's Internet profession,i give some suggestions for Tencent's strategtcal betterment, and discuss how can Tencent get through this economic crisis and better use its advantage to make the crisis convert into the a developing opportunity.
【Key words】QQ; User groups;Tencent; Strategic Analysis

