

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘  要:  在2010年上半年,富士康员工连续自杀事件在社会上引起了轩然大波,社会各界人士纷纷热议造成此事件的原因和源头,在很多分析性的文献中都能看到专家引入了“人力资本”这一概念。虽然这一概念比较新,但是专家、社会各界人士无不对其在现代企业管理中的重要性予以了肯定。于是本人就想通过此事件探索企业中员工人力资本的现状、探索企业在开发人力资本中担任的角色以及人力资本开发的现状,比如企业是利用怎样的方法开发人力资本、人力资本开发在企业中的受重视程度如何等等,同时也想根据调查情况给企业提出相应的建议,总结出企业在开发人力资本过程中较好的一些手段和途径。
The Necessity for Enterprises to Manage Psychological Capital owing to the Incidents Happening in Foxconn
Abstract: In the first half of year 2010, more than 10 employees in the Foxconn committed suicide in the 2 months, which attracted great attention in the society. Experts discussed a lot and tried to find the reason for those suicides. In many articles which talked about the reasons have mentioned one phrase frequently, which was “Psychological Capital”. Although such concept is very new at present, but the importance has been recognized by many experts, scholars and managers in the enterprises. Thus, this stimulated me to know about something about the psychological capital of employees in the company—how is the employees’ psychological capital, do enterprises do something to develop employees’ psychological capital, do the managers value the development of employees’ psychological capital, what actions will the companies take to develop such capital? In a word, I want to know the current situations about the employees and the companies about the psychological capital and find good measures the companies taken to develop the employees’ psychological capital, and give some suggestions to the companies. I do the research via questionnaires, and then I analyze the data by SPSS. The outcome shows that the difference among the employees about psychological capital is not evident, but the relations between what companies have done to develop the employees’ psychological capital and the results of employees’ psychological capital is closely relevant, at the same time, there’s no great difference among several kinds of employers on the development of psychological capital.
Key Words: demography variable; psychological capital; psychological capital development

