

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要:近年来我国的大学生就业形势愈来愈严峻,特别是在2009年金融危机的影响下,越来越多的大学生在就业问题上出现了情绪低落,恐惧感,紧张等心理问题。体育教育是一个特殊专业, 就业范围小,学生择业压力体验相当严重, 尤以心理体验最严重, 学生在择业问题上存在着一些心理障碍, 给择业带来许多不利的影响。因此要寻求一个较系统,较符合本国国情的心理辅导模式以缓解体育教育专业学生(以下简称体教)在职业生涯规划上出现的心理问题已刻不容缓。生涯心理辅导属于学校心理辅导的一部分。本文通过查阅10年以来国内相关的期刊文献,从体教学生就业现状及存在的问题入手,从生涯心理辅导的研究现状及生涯心理辅导的具体模式方面归纳以往研究的基础上,总结了体教学生生涯心理辅导模式,并提出了体教学生生涯心理辅导的建议。认为无边界的生涯心理辅导模式将是一个趋势,并建议体教学生应该在相关的生涯心理辅导的基础上多在实践中探索自己的生涯路程。希望通过本文的研究能给大学生在职业规划的问题上带来一些启示与帮助。
关键词:体育教育学生  职业生涯规划  生涯心理辅导模式

Abstract:With the employment situation being more and more severely, especially Under the financial crisis in 2009, more and more undergraduate have became depressed and have a fightened feeling, when facing looking for a job, which make it urgent to seek for a career counseling model, which   can adjust to the condition in our country. Psychological counseling career belong to school psychological counseling. Having searching periodical literature in ten years I summarize a conclusion about psychological counseling of university students and propose a forecast and inspiration about the psychological counseling career of the undergraduate, at the base of summarizing the previous studies, from the current situation of psychological counseling career and the specific patterns of it. At last hope that it can bring some enlightenment and some help in the case of career planning of the undergraduate.
Key words: The undergraduate majoring in P.E  Career planning  Patterns of counseling career

