

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



内容摘要:武术是以技击动作为主要内容,以功法、套路和搏斗为运动形式,注重内外兼修的中国传统体育项目。在中国流传了几千年,一直沿革到今天而没有被历史所淘汰,这个事实本身就说明了武术是随着历史的进程而不断的发展着的。随着社会生产力的提高,人们对物质和精神生活需求也在不断的提升, 因此武术也有了它独特的存在价值和发展方式。在提倡“全民健身”和发展学校体育教学的情况下,作为国术的武术以它健身功效好,简单易学,不需要专门的练习场地,适合于任何年龄阶段等特点,被越来越多的人们所接受和青睐。另外,随着影视业的发展,越来越多的功夫片在青少年中掀起了轩然大波,这大大提高了武术在学校体育教学中的地位及推动了其在教学中的发展。
关 键 词:武术;中小学;学校体育;发展

Abstract:The art of attack and defense movements based on martial arts as its main content, to exercises, routines and forms of struggle for the campaign, Focus internally and externally to the Chinese traditional sport. Popular in China for thousands of years, evolution has been to this day not be eliminated by history, a fact that speaks for itself with the history of martial arts is a constant process of developing. With the improvement of social productive forces, people's material and spiritual needs are constantly changing, so martial arts has been the existence of its unique value and mode of development. In promoting the "fitness" and the development of physical education in schools, the martial arts martial arts as to the effectiveness of its fitness, and easy to learn, does not require special driving range and is suitable for any stage and age features such as being more and more accepted and popular. In addition, with the film and television industry, a growing number of martial arts in young people set off an uproar, which greatly enhanced the martial arts in physical education in schools and the promotion of the status of its development in teaching.

Key words:Martial arts ;Elementary and middle;Schools Sports; Development
目 录

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四、结论 ………………………………………………………………………
致  谢……………………………………………………………………………

