

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





摘  要:宦官这一独特而又复杂的群体贯穿于整个中国封建制度中。宦官制度曾一度是极度破坏人类尊严及身心健康的残酷的制度。宦官群体的形成当初只是为皇家服务,后逐步与权利机关和上层建筑相连,在历史上出现过很多次的由于宦官“参与”政权而改朝换代的重大历史事件。通过对中国通史及其他历史材料的阅读与思考,可以得出宦官产生于中国的必然原因---中国封建专制制度及严格的等级制度。深入的了解此群体的形成、发展与消亡的原因,以及在中国历史发展中所起到的积极与消极的作用有一定的现实意义。

关键词:宦官  封建专制  等级制度

The officials this are unique and the also complex community pass through in the entire China feudalism, exists from the China feudalism
Abstract: Formation, is disillusioned to the feudalism disintegrates. The officials community's formation initially only was serves for the imperial family. Latter gradually is connected with the right institution and the overtop structure, has appeared very many in the history the significant historical event which "the participation" the political power changes from one dynasty to another as a result of the officials. The choice main subject goal significance lies in the reason which thorough understanding this community the formation, develops and withers away, as well as plays positive and the negative role in the China historical development. Speaking of now, the officials system already no longer existed. He once was extremely destroys the human dignity and the healthy in mind and body brutal
system, but, the officials from as soon as start then to act as are the imperial interior secretary's duties, therefore the nowadays, we should "take its essence, goes to its dregs", is better displays its participation in government and deliberation over governmental affairs for our country secretaries the work to serve. Through to the Chinese general history and historical material reading and the ponder, obtains the officials to produce to China's inevitable reason ---China feudalism despotic system and the strict hierarchical system.
Key words: Formation   The feudalism   Hierarchical system

