

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘  要:幕僚现象中国自古有之,但到了清代却盛极一时,幕僚制度也更加完备。清代从中央到地方各级官员招揽幕僚蔚然成风,形成许多规模庞大的幕府,产生很大的影响。因为事务繁杂,各级官员纷纷聘请幕僚,帮助处理政事,维持地方的行政运作。幕僚作为幕主的助手和智囊,在保证国家机器正常运转、抑制书吏之害、推动近代化运动等方面都发挥了非常积极的作用。但同时由于官幕联系紧密,相互勾结,造成的负面影响也是不容忽视的。幕僚,可以说是古代的私人秘书,幕僚制度也称的上是现代秘书制度的雏形。因此研究清代幕僚现象意义重大,这对于现代秘书制度的发展及现代秘书工作的开展具有很大的推动作用。


The reason for private consultant
in vogue and historical lesson in Qing Dynasty
Abstract: Private consultant phenomenon all previous dynasties all have, however, it is extremely flourishing in Qing Dynasty,the system of Private consultant is also more complete. Qing Dynasty from central go to place all levels officials to invite Private consultant become common practice, therefore, become many governor's offices with huge scales, produce very great influence. Because the business is complicated, the all levels officials employ Private consultant to help deal with the Private consultant affairs to maintain local administration efficient operation. As the assistant and brain truster, the Private consultant promises the national machine revolve, represses the Text members’harm, push modern age turned sport's etc, so develop a very aggressive function. But contact because of the officer act in the meantime close, collaborate with mutually, its negative influence also allows of no to neglect. Private consultant can be treated as ancient private secretary, the system of Private consultant in fact is the embryonic from of modern secretary system. Therefore study Private consultant phenomenon meaning a graveness, and it is good for the development of modern secretary’system and carry on modern secretary work.

Key words: The history of secretary;Qing Dynasty Private consultant;Modern secretary

