

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





摘  要:中国古代行政官员选拔制度的演变由汉代的征辟察举,到魏晋的九品中正制,到明清科举制度的确立。察举和科举是中国古代最重要的两种选拔制度。察举制较前朝的选拔制度有改进创新,更加民主,但由于政治的腐败和制度自身的问题,弊端丛生,渐渐变味;科举制度在中国沿用一千多年,在西方人眼中,这种选拔制度非常残酷和严格,但却是非常先进民主的选才方法,对学子起到激励的作用,从而对整个社会文化的发展起到推动的作用。随着社会的进步,任何方式都是会被淘汰的,科举制导致了社会里官本位思想盛行,死板的考试内容阻碍了人们的创造力想象力的发展,也导致科学的落后甚至在世界上政治地位的衰落。

Ancient times executive official each kind selected the system advantages analysis
Abstract: China ancient times the executive official selected system's evolution to appoint to office by the Han Dynasty observes lifts, to Wei Jin's nine systems, to Ming and Qing Dynasties imperial civil service examination system's establishment. Observed lifts with the imperial civil service examination is China ancient times the most important two kinds selects the system. Observed lifts the system to compare the previous dynasty to select the system to have the improvement innovation, was more democratic. But as a result of the political corruption and system own question, the malpractice grows thickly, changes flavor gradually; The imperial civil service examination system continues to use for more than 1000 years in China, In the westerner eye, this kind selects the system to be brutal and strict, but is actually the very advanced democracy chooses only then the method, Along with society's progress, any way will be will be eliminated, the imperial civil service examination system caused in the society the officialdom standard thought to be in vogue, The stodgy test content has hindered people's creativity imagination development, also causes the science backwardness even in the world the political status decline .            

