

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:中国古代谏官制度源远流长,自周代以来,各朝都有谏官的设置。虽然在各个朝代名称各异,作用也不尽相同,但它随着封建社会政治、经济、文化的变化而不断演变,并在各个不同的时期有着不同的作用与影响。近年来,在全球化“善治”大背景的影响下,国内政治体制改革和社会主义民主政治建设也被紧迫地提上了日程,因此,专家学者们以史为鉴,日益关注对古代谏官制度的研究。本文将采取全面客观、科学冷静的态度,对古代谏官制度的历史沿革、特点、作用以及影响其作用发挥的主要因素进行分析、探讨,从而得出一种源于历史、客观真实的结论,即我国古代谏官制度蕴藏着丰富的政治智慧,对中国古代社会盛世的形成产生过重要的推动作用。进而立足现实,着眼未来,就谏官与谏官制度对现代政治管理的借鉴意义提出一些看法并展开论述。

A study on the ancient court-admonisher and the reference to modern political management
Abstract: Ancient Court-admonisher system goes back to ancient times in China, since the Zhou Dynasty, each one of the dynasties has the court-admonisher settings. Although the different names in different dynasties and the role is also not the same, with the feudal social, political, economic, and cultural changes ,it continue to evolve, and in different times it have different roles and influence. In recent years, under the influence of the globalization "good governance" background, the domestic political reform and the building of socialist democratic politics have been also urgently put on the agenda, therefore, in order to draw lessons from history, experts and scholars have a growing concern of ancient court-admonisher system studies. This article will take a objective, scientific attitude on the court-admonisher system of it’s ancient history, characteristics and the effects ,so as to come a historical, objective conclusion that the court-admonisher system in ancient China did has rich political wisdom and it really played an important role of promoting the prosperous society in ancient china. Then based on reality and focus on the future, we can get a clue about the significance of the court-admonisher system to the management of the modern political and start to discuss.
Key words: Court-admonisher system; modern political management; Reference

