

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年






摘  要:军机处和侍从室虽然是不同历史时期的产物,但在性质和功能上都有着紧密的联系,都有是在专制统治下诞生的集权工具.本文将站在历史的角度着力从二者的产生的社会背景,组织人员构成情况以及做为秘书机构的所反映的时代特点等方面去探究秘书工作的沿革和高效工作的背后;由二者的异同来分析秘书工作的职业化发展趋势以及秘书人员在社会政治生活中的角色定位。在加深对二者认识的基础上,分析其在制度和管理上的得失,总结出对历史的借鉴意义从而更好的指导现代秘书工作的研究和发展。


Two secretaries organization is known as high efficient in history

Abstract: Outcome that the ministry of defense prepares though the attendants room being to be unlike the history period, But have Close  connection on the character and the function,they both have being centralization of state power implement coming into being under the ruling in autocracy. In this paper, from a historical perspective talk about something focus on both the social background, the composition of the Organization and as reflected by the Secretary of the characteristics of the times and so on to explore the history of secretary work and the inside story of high-effect; By the similarities and differences between the two to analyse the trend of
the professional development and the roles of the secretarial staff in the social and political life. In the deepening of understanding on the basis of two, analyse the pros and cons of its management system, summed up the historical significance of the draw so that to guide the work of the Secretary of modern research and development better.

Key words: the ministry of defense; the attendants room; Secretary agencies; Administration centre

