

全文字数:9500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





摘  要:我国秘书工作的历史源远流长,在原始社会末期的部落联盟的昌盛时期,即黄帝至禹时期,秘书工作就诞生了,距今已经有4100年至4500年的历史了。综观历史的长河,每个朝代都留下了秘书人员的脚印,从先秦的史官到清朝的书吏,每个朝代对秘书人员的选拔制度、选拔方式和选拔标准都有所不同,而对秘书人员的素质要求也呈现出不断变化的趋势。本文通过搜集整理史籍关于这方面内容的记载,从历代对秘书人员的选拔方式和选拔标准等方面探求中国古代对秘书素质的要求,并结合实际,把古代对于秘书素质的要求与当今对秘书人员的素质要求联系起来,通过鉴其精华,剔除糟粕,探求哪些优良的素质值得当代秘书去学习和借鉴,从而有效提高当代秘书人员的素质和秘书工作的服务效率,对于做好新时期的秘书工作具有现实的指导意义。
关键词  古代秘书素质;选拔制度;选拔方式
Ancient China on the request of the quality of the Secretary staff

Abstract: There is a long history of China Secretary work, In the end of primitive society ,the Secretarial work had appeared,it has been about 4100 to 4500 years from now. Looking at the long river of history, Each dynasty has left the footprints of the secretarial staff, The historian from the pre-Qin to the Qing Dynasty, the selection system of secretarial staff, the selection methods of secretarial staff and selection criteria of secretarial staff for each dynasties are different,and Secretarial staff for the quality of requirements also show a trend of ever-changing. In this paper, by means of finishing the collection of historical records on the contents of the record in this area, from the history of the selection methods and selection criteria, etc. to explore ancient China on the request of the quality of the Secretary staff, through combining of the Ancient China request of the quality of the Secretary staff with present-day requirements of the quality of the Secretary staff, Explore which good quality should be well learned to Modern Secretary, In order to effectively improve the quality of contemporary secretary and secretarial work efficiency, and it is a practical guiding significance for the secretary to do the work well in the new period .
Key words: Ancient China; the request of the quality of the Secretary staff; Selection; Assessment.

