

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





摘  要:调查研究是现代秘书工作中一项不可缺少的工作之一,它可以说是秘书工作的先决条件。如果没有调查研究就不会有信息,就不能保证信息的正确性,就不能为领导的决策做出必要的信息支撑。而“采风”制度就是产生于我国西周时期的一种调查制度,是我国先人们的调查研究。西周的“采风”主要是“调查”,而汉代时期的“采风”更上升为“研究”了。


Collects folk songs a big pioneering work which - - our country ancient times the administration and secretary worked


Abstract: The investigation and study is modern secretary works one of essential work, it may say that is precondition which secretary works. If will not have the investigation and study not to have the information, cannot guarantee that the information the accuracy, cannot make the essential information support for the leadership decision-making. But “collects folk songs” the system is produces in our country Western Zhou Dynasty time one kind of investigation system, is our country ancestors' investigation and study. The Western Zhou Dynasty “collects folk songs” is mainly “the investigation”, but the Han Dynasty time “collected folk songs” rises is “the research”.

Key word: Collecting folk songs; Secretary works; Investigation and study; Western Zhou Dynasty; Han Dynasty


一 引  言
 “采风”,顾名思义就是出去看,寻找新的事物。就是周王朝派人专门采集全国各地的风俗民情,民间歌谣,民风民意等。为什么西周会出现采风制度呢?其中一个目的是为了观察全国各地的风俗民情;采风的第二个重要的目的就是“观政”。 两汉时期出现了“风俗使”和诸子论风俗就是源于周的采风制度,到了两汉时期,为了适应封建统治的需要,西周的只观风谣的古老制度发生了变化,不仅是继承而且有了发展。

