

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘  要:纵观中国秘书史宦官秘书干政的现象在中国秘书史上经常出现,宦官秘书的每一次干政都给中国封建社会造成了严重的损害甚至造成封建王朝的灭亡。宦官及宦官秘书的出现是中国封建社会特殊的政治制度和社会环境所造成的。本文就是从制度和社会环境方面考察中国宦官及宦官秘书干政的原因。当代的秘书及领导人员从中吸取经验教训以更好的为他们的工作服务。

关键词: 太监,宦官,中国宦官制度,社会环境,秘书工作

The Special phenomenon of Secretary
of the history of China Secretary eunuch politics

Yang  Gemin, College of Liberal Arts
Abstract: Throughout the history of China Secretary, the special phenomenon of secretary eunuch politics often happened . Happen once every all created the social and political more darkness . The reason of this phenomenon is multi-faceted. Both Political system and Social environment lead this phenomenon. So the contemporary clerks and leads must learn more knowledge and train administrative capacity. If they can do these ,they can do their work more better.

Key words: Eunuch; Chinese eunuch system; Social environment; Secretarial work

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