

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年












How to Develop the Ability of the Students’ English Thinking
Developing the ability of students’ English thinking is very important in English teaching. It is beneficial for the students to use English and it also means that they can think in English. This paper will describe how to develop the students’ English thinking ability. In order to train this ability, we not only should make the students get rid of the influence of their mother tongue, but also should build an environment in which students are encouraged to study English and  their interest in learning English can be best stimulated. Training the English feeling of the students is also good to develop their English thinking. In this method, the best way is to make the students read a lot of English articles, listen to a lot of English articles, and practice to write in English. To arouse the students’ learning interests, we also can use the technology of multimedia. The multimedia technology can stimulate the students’ feeling and consciousness and will make the English teaching easier. The usage of directly perceived methods, especially the usage of the audio-visual teaching materials is also important in developing the students’ English thinking ability.
Keywords: the ability of English thinking; the environment of English study; multimedia; the audio visual teaching materials ; text teaching.

