

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




 马克•吐温的思想和创作是充满矛盾的。一方面,他是美国文学史上著名的幽默作家; 另一方面,他又是一个悲观主义和虚无主义者。这种矛盾的思想也体现在作品《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》中。本文通过小说中的哈克﹑吉姆和密西西比河透视作者的矛盾思想,探讨作者产生这些矛盾思想的原因,从而更深刻地认识作品和作者之间的内在联系。

关键词:马克•吐温, 哈克贝利•费恩历险记, 矛盾思想

As we all know, Mark Twain’s works are filled with contradictory thoughts. On the one hand, he is a famous humor writer in the history of modern American literature. On the other hand ,he is a pessimist and nihilist. Naturally Mark Twain’s contradictory thoughts are also embodied in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In this thesis, I will discuss about Mark Twain’s contradictory thoughts through textual analysis of Huck ,Jim and the Mississippi, and try to figure out reasons for those thoughts so that we can better our understanding of the interrelation between Mark Twain and the novel.
Key words: Mark Twain,  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, contradictory thoughts
Table of Contents

Table of Contents I
Chapter One  Introduction 1
Chapter Two  Literature Review 3
Chapter Three  Textural Analysis of the Contradictory Thoughts from the Aspects of Huck, Jim and the Mississippi 6
2.1Contradictory thoughts in Huck’s mind 6
2.2Contradictory thoughts in Jim’s fate 8
2.3Contradictory thoughts in symbolism of the Mississippi 9
Chapter Four   Reasons for the Contradictory Thoughts in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 11
3.1 Childhood life 11
3.2 Life in the Mississippi 12
3.3 Slavery at that time 12
Chapter Five  Conclusion 15
Works Cited 16

