

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:语言是文化的载体,要实现语言的交际功能,除掌握一定的词汇和必要的语音、 语法知识外,还必须重视语言的文化背景知识。英语教师要注意英汉两种语言及文化的对比教学,使学生了解英语国家的文化背景知识,做到文化知识与语言技能的培养同步进行,以此来培养和提高学生的文化习得意识和交际能力。该篇论文通过举例,运用对比的方法探讨了目的语与非目的语国家文化差异的主要根源:生存环境的不同、风俗习惯的不同、历史背景不同等。为了顺利交际,有必要在英语教学中建立良好的差异意识。在学习英语语言知识的同时,英语教师要教给学生文化差异知识,学习重点要从语言形式的学习转入文化知识的传授。此外,教师要提高自身的文化素质。
关键词:语言; 文化差异; 文化意识;  英语教育
Reflections of the Differences between Chines Culture and Western Culture in English Teaching

Abstract:A country's language is always the country's culture. So to learn a foreign language is not only to learn its vocabulary, grammar and rules, but also to learn the country's culture. Teachers of English should teach the students such differences so as to heighten their knowledge and abilities to a higher level. English must be taught with its culture. The approaches of introducing culture in English suggest that language can be learned in culture and culture should be taught in language. This thesis deals with the main reasons of cultural differences between target language and native language through examples, it is due to different living conditions, customs, geographical features and historical backgrounds, and concludes that it is necessary to establish good awareness in English teaching. The teacher should explain the cultural differences of two countries while they teach the students the knowledge of English language. Meanwhile teacher's knowledge of culture is emphasized.
Key words:Language; Cultural differences; Awareness; English language teaching and learning

