

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘要: 作品向读者展示了一个充满赤裸裸金钱关系的美国社会。叙述了一味农村姑娘在两个大城市芝加哥和纽约的经历。这其中包括了她和两个男人的感情生活,还有她追求财富和成功的过程,她是整个小说的主要角色。这篇论文将分析嘉莉追求理想的过程,更加辽解嘉莉的性格变化,她认为机会在人的成功和失败上起很大的作用。她直接受外界环境影响,尤其是她的两个情人的出现,她的性格改变了许多。她的人生观也因此逐渐变化并且影响她的一生,她变的越来越现实,她竭力去追求那所谓的成功——拥有财富。她原以为财富会给她带来幸福,可悲的是虽然她最后和富有,但她仍然生活在痛苦中。本文的分析重点放在对嘉莉的个性变化起重要作用的周围环境,分析性格变化的原因,帮助读者更好的理解社会的丑恶和精神财富的重要。
About the Image of the Main
 Character in <<Sister Carrier>>
Abstract : The work had demonstrated to the reader the naked money relations of the American society. It tells us something about a countryside girl in two big cities ' experience of Chicago and New Yoke. It also describes her sentimental life with two men, and how she went after wealth and success. She is the main role of the novel. This thesis will analyze the fine process of her seeking , the changes of her inside world. In her view the success is decided directly by the external environment and opportunity. Especially the appearances of her two sweethearts made her changed a lot. Her outlook on life also gradually changed and affected her whole life .So she became more and more realistic and pursued that so-called success. She originally thought the wealth can bring happiness to her. Pitifully, she still lived in the pain when she got rich and became famous. This article will put emphasis on changes of individuality in the environment. It helps the reader better understanding society ugliness, and the importance of spiritual wealth.
Key words: money; the United States; change of characteristics; spiritual wealth

